主編 艾文斯(Craig A. Evans)
美國克萊蒙研究大學(Claremont Graduate University)哲學博士,現任美國休斯頓浸會大學(Houston Baptist University)神學系基督教思想學院的約翰比撒諾教席基督教起源傑出教授(John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins)。
.《耶穌與手抄本》(暫譯,Jesus and the Manuscripts, Hendrickson: 2020)
.《古代猶太教與基督教經典》(暫譯,Ancient Jewish and Christian Scriptures, Westminster John Knox: 2020,與John J. Collins、Lee Martin McDonald合著)
.《文士的手澤》(暫譯,Scribes and Their Remains, T&T Clark: 2019與Jeremiah J. Johnston合編)
.《猶太教根源與基督教信仰概論》(暫譯,A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, Hendrickson: 2019,與David Mishkin合編)
.《耶穌時代的物質文化證據研究》(暫譯,Jesus and the Remains of His Day: Studies in Jesus and the Evidence of Material Culture, Hendrickson: 2015)
波特(Stanley E. Porter)
英國雪菲爾德大學(University of Sheffield)哲學博士,現任加拿大麥克馬斯特神學院(McMaster Divinity College)的新約教授,兼任校長暨教務長。
.《新約裡的神聖傳統:福音書與書信中的舊約主題》(暫譯,Sacred Tradition in the New Testament: Tracing Old Testament Themes in the Gospels and Epistles, Baker: 2016)
.《使徒保羅的生平、思想,與書信》(暫譯,The Apostle Paul: His Life, Thought, and Letters, Eerdmans: 2016)
.《福音是好消息嗎?》(暫譯,Is the Gospel Good News? Wipf and Stock: 2018,與Hughson T. Ong合編)
.《語言學與聖經:回顧與展望》(暫譯,Linguistics and the Bible: Retrospects and Prospects, Pickwick: 2018,與Christopher D. Land、Francis G.H. Pang合編)
.《保羅與聖經》(暫譯,Paul and Scripture, Brill: 2018,與Christopher D. Land合編)