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    ί໋ᜳ༁ʈЪ‘     48˂ҬՑЫฌٙʈЪ‘
 Work in the Spirit: Toward a Theology of   48 Days to the Work You Love
 Work   Ϸʗࢸ€Dan Millerഹ
 Ӝ̿€Miroslav Volfഹ
    ໋຾ᝈᓃٙ຾᏶ኪ‘     ϗ҈ኪ‘  ɝᔖఙܝ೯ତdৰəʈЪ͉Ԓٙܿ኷̮d̤ɓ၇ڗಂ೨߮d݊ࠅ࿁Ҥ
 Economics in Christian Perspective   Necessary Endings: The Employees,   ʈЪ༁˚ూɓ˚ٙೌจ່ชdՑֵІʉ˓ʕٙʈЪίɪ܎਷ܓҲစə
 ၪдεgдཤဧ€Victor V. Claar  Businesses, and Relationships That All of   ʡჿᅵٙԉЍk࿁ࡳԬɛ੭Ըूஈkᗭ༸̥ϞɨफࣛගʑϞݺഹٙช
 ձᖯႷgݚཤ€Robin J. Klayഹ  Us Have to Give Up in Order to Move   ᙂ෗k͉ࣣୋʞ௝౤Ցdཀֻٙڦ΃໊᜗Չྼࠅ͜ڦːၾซ྅ɢʑঐ
 Жлgд௶ᅃ€Henry Cloudഹ  ჯաeऊʷ΋ٝෂ༺ٙڦࢹdҢࡁɰცࠅ͜˂਷ٙൖԉࠠอซ྅Іʉ
    ᔖఙழྼɢ‘          ٙʈЪdҬՑІʉٙʈЪ܁ԊdᜫᔖఙϓމҢࡁฌɛeज़၅ɛٙዚ
 Integrity: The Courage to Meet the      ੽᝔ሧක֐dҷᜊЫٙᔖ  ึf
 Demands of Reality   ఙᗫڷ‘
 Жлhд௶ᅃ€Dr. Henry Cloudഹ  The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the     ௓ܔ҃
 Workplace: Empowering Organizations                                ؚ዗ዚ૛ੂБ຾ଣ
 by Encouraging People
    ʈЪॆࠠࠅ‘  ႊ๿g̷ژ€Gary D. Chapmane
 Work Matters: A Biblical Perspective on   ڭᖯgᕿत€Paul Whiteഹ
 Labor               Ңಀ຾ί઺ึዄ΂Όᔖෂ༸ɛɽߒɖϋٙࣛගdܝԸΪމࡈɛΪ९
 ڭᖯg̦໛˖౶€Paul Stevensഹ     މჯኬͭޢᇞ‘  ࠠอආɝᔖఙdᔷᔖՑڭᎈʮ̡ਂڭᎈุਕࡰdɰఱ݊ڳ၈ٙ˜זڭ
 Boundaries for Leaders: Results,
 Relationships, and Being Ridiculously in   ᎈ™dٜՑνʦfɓ༩ɪߧɢਗ਼ཀ̘઺ึىቮٙ຾ዝdᏐ͜ίڭᎈุ
    ߕᅃٙ຾᏶ኪ‘  Charge  ਕٙʈЪɪdҢซϞӚϞ̙ঐᜫɛ࿁׵வࡈପุd̙˸ϞԬʔɓᅵٙ
 Business  as  a Calling:  Work  and  the   Жлgд௶ᅃ€Henry Cloudഹ  Ι൥l
 Examined Life      ग़਷຾ଣɛķਿຖࢯٙ  ชᑽᆀ߁dᜫҢϞዚึว΋ܰᛘவ͉ࣣlீཀ˸̿הࣣԸሔʈ
 ፕ͙д€Michael Novakഹ
 ௴อၾ௴ุჯኬኪ‘           Ъd͉ԒఱܘϞሳl˸̿הࣣ݊Җ෧઺ึሞٙɓ͉ࣣdШவ՜ࣣɦν
 Entrepreneurial Leadership: Finding Your   ОሔʈЪճkܝԸซɓซd˜઺ึ™வࡈοࡡ˖ఱ݊˜஗̜̈Ըٙ
    މʈЪͭޢᇞ‘  Calling, Making a Difference
 The One-Life Solution: Reclaim Your   Ъ٫j̦໛˖౶€R. Paul Stevense̚  ɛ™dʔ݊ܔጘيɰʔ݊ɓࡈᄃόd݊ɓ໊ɛdவ໊ɛٙʔɓᅵί׵
 Personal Life While Achieving Greater   ಌ€Richard J. Goossenāഹ  ˼ࡁ݊஗ɪ܎הխ̜ٙdШΝࣛɰࠦ࿁༟͉ٟึٙܿ኷iவ໊ɛʔ̥
 Professional Success  ݊ਖ਼ء଻ۃٙʈЪdϾ݊࿁ೊί௴ிɓʲٙɪ܎Ԓɪdʑঐ൴൳ͦ
 Жлgд௶ᅃ€Henry Cloudഹ     ͜ЫٙʈЪᔷਗ˰ޢķ  ᅺdҬరॆ͍ٙᄆ࠽f
    ʈЪ݊ɓ΅ᓿي‘  խ̜రӋeᔖૹઞ॰eʈЪ  ҢપᑥίᔖఙٙЫᛘவ͉ࣣdЫਗ਼ึ೯ତІʉٙʈЪ݊ОഃϞᄆ
 The Gift of Work: Spiritual Disciplines for   ணࠇٙอซ྅‘  ࠽iν؈Ы݊˴၍dપᑥЫਗ਼வ͉ࣣ੭ɝྠඟdၾྠඟɓৎীሞdܔ
 the Workplace  The Fabric of This World: Inquires into   ͭ᙮ɪ܎ٙ˖ʷiν؈Ы݊઺ึى٫dఱһࠅᛘவ͉ࣣdԴ໋ࢯ΢̡
 ऎतл€Bill Heatleyഹ  Calling, Career Choice, and the Design
 of Human Work       ՉᔖdܔͭਿຖٙԒ᜗f
 ҽg۞ࠔ€Lee Hardyഹ
    ɪ܎ٙΆ၍ኪ‘     ྏ˰˾ٙʈЪϓڗኪ‘                                          ˮ˖͍
 Doing God's Business: Meaning and                                  బԞɛྪุਕ˴΂
 Motivation for the Marketplace  Being God's Companions and Building
 Real Company
 ڭᖯg̦໛˖౶€Paul Stevensഹ
 ˣᆀ߁ ഹ

 කఙͣ ᙷ JOEE                 ɪʹ       ʫ˖ JOEE                                                 ɨʹ
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