Page 2 - 加拉太書查經材料:福音真重要Galatians: Gospel Matters
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Galatians for You                                   Galatians: Gospel Matters
                       Timothy Keller                                      Timothy Keller

The Great Omission: Reclaiming Jesus's Essential    Judges for You
Teachings on Discipleship                                                  Timothy Keller

             Dallas Willard                         Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the
                                                    Praying Imagination
                                                                 Eugene Peterson
Knowing Christ Today: Why We Can Trust
Spiritual Knowledge                                 Judges: The Flawed and the Flawless
                                                                           Timothy Keller
             Dallas Willard

Living in Christ's Presence: Final Words on Heaven

and the Kingdom of God

         Dallas Willard                John


After You Believe: Why Christian Character

          N. T. Wright

Jesus the King: Understanding the Life and Death
of the Son of God

                       Timothy Keller
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