There Is More 還有更多 (黑膠唱片)
演出者: Hillsong
發行日期: 20180326
特價 NT 10801200


In Genesis 32 we read the story of Jacob wrestling with God through the night. On the other side of Jacob’s divine encounter was a new name, a new blessing, a new identity and a new way of walking (literally). Will we be a worshipping people who are not content to sleep through the night (spiritually speaking) and wake in the
morning unchanged? Like Jacob, will we enter into the wrestle with God, dare to know Him more intimately and be changed in the

This is the premise for Hillsong Worship’s 26th live praise and
worship album. The title, “THERE IS MORE”, truly is a statement-of-belief more than a record title. As Brooke Ligertwood writes,
“THERE IS MORE at stake than we dare realise - souls,
communities, families, nations on the other side of our wrestle through the night seasons. Our personal freedom is for corporate revival.
THERE IS MORE of God and more to God and His love than we can possibly conceive of.”

With songs such as, “Who You Say I Am”, “Be Still”, “The
Passion” and “New Wine”, “THERE IS MORE” strikes the balance of
contemplative devotion and powerful declarations of praise for both individuals and congregations alike.

The prophetic proclamation that “THERE IS MORE” is
certainly a theme of Hillsong Church in 2018.
01 Who You Say I Am
02 You Are Life
03 The Passion
04 God So Loved
05 Be Still
06 Remembrance
07 Valentine
08 Touch Of Heaven
09 Lettered Love
10 The Lord's Prayer
11 New Wine
12 So Will I (100 Billion X)
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